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Zephaniah 2:3

(Read Zephaniah 2:1-3) The prophet calls to national repentance, as the only way to prevent national ruin. A nation not desiring, that has not desires toward...
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Ezekiel 7:23

(Read Ezekiel 7:23-27) Whoever break the bands of God’s law, will find themselves bound and held by the chains of his judgments. Since they encouraged one...
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2 Kings 2:11

(Read 2 Kings 2:9-12) That fulness, from whence prophets and apostles had all their supply, still exists as of old, and we are told to ask...
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John 10:29-30

(Read John 10:22-30) All who have any thing to say to Christ, may find him in the temple. Christ would make us to believe; we make...
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Luke 6:31

Context Summary Luke 6:27–36 continues Jesus’ teaching to a crowd about how His followers should live. He’s explained how those who are burdened in this...
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James 1:15

In the previous verse, James made it clear that temptation to sin always comes from within ourselves. It’s never God’s fault. No matter how terrible...
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Revelation 2:26

Context Summary Revelation 2:18–29 reveals what Jesus instructed John to write to the church at Thyatira. Although the church exhibited commendable virtues, it allowed an...
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Philemon 1:7

Context Summary Philemon 1:4–7 describes Paul’s positive views of Philemon. Paul says he not only thanks God for Philemon, but does so always. Paul praises...
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Titus 2:13

Verse 11 began a discussion on the grace of God, which continues until the end of chapter 2. Verse 13 refers to believers looking forward...
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Haggai 1:3

(Read Haggai 1:1-11) Observe the sin of the Jews, after their return from captivity in Babylon. Those employed for God may be driven from their work...