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Revelation 5:9-10  

(Read Revelation 5:8-14) It is matter of joy to all the world, to see that God deals with men in grace and mercy through the Redeemer....
Malachi 1 2 3

Malachi 1:2-3

Context Summary Malachi 1:1–5 introduces this prophecy as one from Malachi, meaning ”My Messenger.” This passage summarizes the basic spiritual problem facing Israel: apathy. God...
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1 John 5:14

Context Summary First John 5:13–21 closes out the letter by focusing on assurance of salvation. The goal of John’s letter is to provide believers with...
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Luke 5:10

When Christ had done preaching, he told Peter to apply to the business of his calling. Time spent on week days in public exercises of...
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Romans 2:4

Context Summary Romans 2:1–11 springs a trap, of sorts, for every reader who thought that Paul’s devastating list of sins at the end of Romans...
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1 John 4:15

Context Summary First John 4:11–19 is the backbone of John’s letter. The primary way Christians are to be recognized is by love. This is not...
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Zephaniah 3:17

(Read Zephaniah 3:14-20) After the promises of taking away sin, follow promises of taking away trouble. When the cause is removed, the effect will cease. What...
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1 Peter 2:21

Context Summary 1 Peter 2:13–25 reveals God’s will for those who are free in Christ: to willingly submit to every human authority for God’s sake....