The wording of this passage varies depending on which translation you’re reading, but when doing a proper exegesis, we find they’re all saying the same thing. The message contained is one of faith, hope, and love. We do not know God’s ways. God is enormous. God is omniscience. We are mere humans who can only see what is around us. We are unable to see what’s ahead in ours lives or anyone else’s. The all-knowing Creator of the universe knows what is, what was, and what is to come in the lives of every individual alive. This is why it’s important to trust in Him when things are not going our way. When all seems dark and dismal, continue to pray and trust in our Heavenly Father. He loves us more than we could ever possibly imagine and has our best interests at heart. Certain negative things beyond our understanding sometimes have to happen in order to prevent worse things from taking place. We know little; God knows all!
It’s important to remember that God sent his only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us. This kind of love is unfathomable – proof that He is indeed on our side. If we are living the way we are supposed to be living, then we shall continue to defend our ways before God and He will continue to bless us, even when it seems as if we are not blessed. When all seems lost and God seems distant, know and be assured that God is never distant. Pray to the Lord during happy times and difficult ones, and in His time, all will be well.