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Matthew 6:24

Matthew 6 24

Context Summary Matthew 6:19–24 contains Jesus’ perspective on money and its place in the hearts of God’s people. This flows directly from His teaching that inner thoughts and motivations are part of righteousness. God, and His will, are what matter, not the opinions of other people. Here, Jesus tells the crowds not to stockpile temporary… Continue reading Matthew 6:24

Matthew 6:33

Matthew 6:25–34 concludes this part of the Sermon on the Mount with Jesus’ teaching about anxiety. Even to the very poor, Jesus says not to worry about food or clothes. God feeds the birds and clothes the lilies beautifully, and His children are far more valuable than birds. Anxious emotions can’t add even an hour… Continue reading Matthew 6:33

Matthew 11:28

Context Summary Matthew 11:25–30 begins with Jesus’ prayer of thanks to His Father for hiding the truth from those thought to be wise by the world’s standards. Instead, the gospel has been revealed to those the unbelieving world dismisses as virtual children. Jesus declares that He and the Father know each other completely and that… Continue reading Matthew 11:28

Matthew 8:13

Context Summary Matthew 8:5–13 describes Jesus’ response to the request of a Roman centurion in Capernaum. The Gentile officer has a servant who is paralyzed and suffering greatly. The centurion says that Jesus does not even need to come to his home, but that He can heal the man with a word. As a man… Continue reading Matthew 8:13

Matthew 11:28-30

Context Summary Matthew 11:25–30 begins with Jesus’ prayer of thanks to His Father for hiding the truth from those thought to be wise by the world’s standards. Instead, the gospel has been revealed to those the unbelieving world dismisses as virtual children. Jesus declares that He and the Father know each other completely and that… Continue reading Matthew 11:28-30