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Romans 4:3

Romans 4:1–12 focuses on the faith of Abraham, referenced by Paul to further his case about faith. God only declares people righteous based on their faith in Him. David, as well, describes those against whom God will not count their sin as ”blessed.” Paul insists that this blessing of being declared righteous by God is… Continue reading Romans 4:3

Romans 3:23

Romans 3:21–31 finally introduces the ”good news” part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Up to this point, Paul has shown that even following the law cannot spare us from being judged by God for our sin. Now Paul announces that, through faith in Christ, we can be made righteous in God’s sight. Entirely apart… Continue reading Romans 3:23

Romans 3:22

Romans 3:21–31 finally introduces the ”good news” part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Up to this point, Paul has shown that even following the law cannot spare us from being judged by God for our sin. Now Paul announces that, through faith in Christ, we can be made righteous in God’s sight. Entirely apart… Continue reading Romans 3:22

Romans 3:10

Context Summary Romans 3:9–20 contains a string of quotes from the Old Testament Scriptures. Paul uses these to demonstrate that both Jews and Greeks alike are under sin. After establishing that ”there is none who does good” from Psalm 14:1, Paul uses quotes from Psalms and Isaiah to show ways we have always used our… Continue reading Romans 3:10

Romans 2:7

Romans 2:1–11 springs a trap, of sorts, for every reader who thought that Paul’s devastating list of sins at the end of Romans 1 was about other people. In truth, everyone is guilty of sin. Those who judge others are guilty, also, of hypocrisy. Nobody will escape God’s judgment for personal sin, including religious Jews… Continue reading Romans 2:7