Revelation 8:1–5 describes what happens prior to the seven angels blowing their trumpets. There is rapt suspense throughout heaven between the opening of the seventh seal and the trumpet blasts. As in previous chapters, angels play a key role in performing God’s will. So far in Revelation, angels have initiated praise to God and the Lamb, kept the symbolic winds of God’s judgment from blowing, and sealed 144,000 saved Jews to keep them safe throughout the tribulation. Now, even as angels prepare to blow seven trumpets that initiate judgment, another angel burns a censer of incense with the prayers of the saints and then fills the censer with fire and hurls it down to the earth.
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“Revelation 8:4”
What does Revelation 8:4 mean? |
Revelation 8:4
4 The smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, went up before God out of the angel’s hand.