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Romans 3:23

Context Summary Romans 3:21–31 finally introduces the ”good news” part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Up to this point, Paul has shown that even following the law cannot spare us from being judged by God for our sin. Now Paul announces that, through faith in Christ, we can be made righteous in God’s sight.… Continue reading Romans 3:23

Romans 10:10

Context Summary Romans 10:5–13 explores how Israel’s people have, for the most part, rejected God by refusing to trust in Christ. Instead of waiting for some new truth to fall from heaven, or float up from the abyss, they ought to recognize that truth has already been given. All who confess Christ as Lord, and… Continue reading Romans 10:10

Romans 5:20

Context Summary Romans 5:12–21 compares the work of Adam with the work of Christ to show how sin and death came into the world, and how God made a way to escape them. Adam, specially created by God, became the first lawbreaker when he ate from the restricted tree. He brought sin and death to… Continue reading Romans 5:20

Romans 6:23

Context Summary Romans 6:15–23 asks why we should not keep sinning once we have come to faith in Christ and are no longer under the law of Moses. Paul answers that we can continue to lead lives of volunteer slavery to sin if we don’t resist it. Instead, we should live as if righteousness was… Continue reading Romans 6:23

Romans 2:4

Context Summary Romans 2:1–11 springs a trap, of sorts, for every reader who thought that Paul’s devastating list of sins at the end of Romans 1 was about other people. In truth, everyone is guilty of sin. Those who judge others are guilty, also, of hypocrisy. Nobody will escape God’s judgment for personal sin, including… Continue reading Romans 2:4