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Acts 2:38

Acts 2:37–41 shows the first mass influx of people into the church. Men in Jerusalem for Pentecost from across the Roman Empire and beyond are startled to find 120 Galileans speaking their native languages (Acts 2:1–13). Peter uses passages from Joel and Psalms to support his points on several ideas: that Jesus of Nazareth is… Continue reading Acts 2:38

Acts 16:30-31

Context Summary Acts 16:25–40 records Paul’s first imprisonment. The Philippian magistrates arrested Paul and Silas and had them beaten for spreading the news about Jesus. The two are now chained in a cell, praying and singing to God. An earthquake shakes the prison, releasing all the doors and chains. Paul assures the jailer no one… Continue reading Acts 16:30-31

Acts 4:12

Context Summary Acts 4:5–12 covers Peter and John’s defense before the Sanhedrin—the ruling Jewish council. The priests and other Sadducees have arrested Peter and John because after they healed a lame man, they taught a crowd that Jesus rose from the dead (Acts 3). The Sadducees don’t believe resurrection is possible and really don’t want… Continue reading Acts 4:12

Acts 20:24

In Acts 20:17–27, Paul begins his farewell to the elders of Ephesus. He and his team leave Troas and sail to Miletus, south of Ephesus, where Paul requests the Ephesian elders meet him. He reminds them how he served with dedication and self-sacrifice, and he also relays disturbing news. When he gets to Jerusalem, he… Continue reading Acts 20:24

Acts 17:30

Context Summary Acts 17:22–34 contains the second of two sermons which Luke records from Paul. The more typical sermon explains to synagogues how Jesus is the Messiah (Acts 13:16–41). Here, however, Paul is speaking to a group of Athenian philosophers. Paul uses lines from classical poets to introduce the Creator God who cannot be represented… Continue reading Acts 17:30